Dental Checkups FAQs

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Dental Checkup

The frequency of dental X-rays and imaging depends on your oral health and risk factors, but most people should get dental X-rays and imaging once a year.

Yes, dental X-rays are safe. The dose of radiation you are exposed to during the dental X-rays is extremely small. Our team at All Smiles Dental Studio takes all necessary precautions to minimize your exposure to radiation.

Most dental health concerns are preventable or can be reversed when caught early enough. Routine dental exams allow our Encinitas dentist to continually assess changes in your oral anatomy, screening for abnormalities such as:

  • Periodontal disease
  • TMJ disorder
  • Oral cancer
  • Enamel wear
  • Leaking or aging dental work
  • Demineralization and tooth decay
  • Breathing or sleep disorders

By assessing situations early, we can treat concerns while they are small. More conservative treatments help preserve healthy tooth structure, limit the extent of therapy required, and also help you save money.

The cost of the procedure varies depending on your insurance coverage and the type of imaging required. Our team will provide you with a detailed cost estimate before the procedure.

Regular exams help detect problems early, prevent serious issues, and maintain good oral health. They include checking for cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and evaluating your overall oral hygiene.

It’s a visual and physical examination of your mouth to look for signs of oral cancer, such as red or white patches, sores, or lumps.

Most dental insurance plans cover routine dental exams and cleanings either fully or partially. It’s always best to check with your insurance provider to understand your specific coverage.